"Education is a lifelong metamorphosis," my labmate Rohini remarked a few days ago as we discussed education and career over a coffee break. Her words left a lasting impression on me, reminding me of the profound impact that education can have on our lives. Just like metamorphosis, nature's magic wand that makes a caterpillar transform into a butterfly, education felicitates us from a state of ignorance to enlightenment, from a blank canvas to a work of art. This transformation equips us with wings that allow us to soar higher and reach further. It opens our eyes to new perspectives, expands our knowledge, and teaches valuable life skills. Education is a magic wand, changing us into confident, graceful, and wise individuals ready to tackle the world.
Education is not just about schools, grades, certificates, or degrees. It's about finding our passions, exploring new ideas, and becoming the best versions of ourselves. Classroom education is only a tiny fraction of what we can learn in life. We can also learn from our experiences, the mistakes of others, and the books we read. Education is all around us, waiting for us to embrace it.
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire," philosopher W.B. Yeats once said. Certainly, it is not just about acquiring knowledge, but about igniting our imaginations and inspiring us to think, dream, and create. The story of Imam Ghazali (Rh.) and the robber also exemplify this idea. According to legend, at a young age, Imam Ghazali (Rh.) was once traveling, and when he was passing a desert with his caravan, he was approached by a robber. However, the robber was surprised to find only books and manuscripts instead of gold or silver coins in his possession. The thief asked why he was carrying those hefty books instead of gold and silver, and Imam Ghazali replied, "I am a student of knowledge, and these books are my teachers." The robber retorted, "What kind of knowledge is this that you carry them with you like gold and silver? Real education is not what is piled up in books; it is what is imprinted in the hearts and lives of men." This comment by the robber moved Imam Ghazali (Rh.), and it kind of changed his view toward knowledge and education and shaped his philosophy. Imam Ghazali (Rh.) was then reported to say that this incident had a substantial impact on him becoming who he was, one of the most prominent Islamic philosophers and theologians of all eras. This anecdote also underscores the idea that education is not just about acquiring information and memorizing facts but about internalizing knowledge and integrating it into our lives.
Education is a lifelong journey that begins with a single step and continues throughout our lives. Each day, we learn something new and change in ways we never thought possible. Education is not what is piled up in books; it is much more than that. It is the fire that lights our path, the wind that propels us forward, and the sun that warms our hearts. Education is a process of growth and development that never ends. It is a journey like no other, a metamorphosis of the mind, soul, and spirit.

The great Chinese philosopher Confucius once said, "The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, but the man who does not is a fool for life." Education is about asking questions, seeking answers, and never settling for mediocrity. It challenges us to embrace uncertainty, overcome obstacles, and strive for excellence. It is the fire that burns within us, pushing us always to be our best.
Education is the alchemy of the human spirit, transforming our lives in profound and subtle ways. Education is indeed the alchemy of the human spirit, transforming our lives in profound and subtle ways. It is the fire that lights our path, the wind that carries us forward, and the sun that warms our hearts.
Education is not just a process but a journey, a journey that never ends and never ceases to amaze. It is a journey like no other, a metamorphosis of the mind, soul, and spirit. It is the fire that lights our path, the wind that carries us forward, and the sun that warms our hearts. We ought to embrace education; embrace the voyage to metamorphose, and never stop learning and growing. As Lao Tzu said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Take that step today and embark on the journey of a lifetime.
11 February 2023
Saeed Anwar
Edmonton, Canada